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Fitness Magazine Shares Behind-the-Scenes Details on New Apple Watch Cover

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The Apple Watch has already been spotted within the pages of several fitness and fashion-oriented magazines during the month of March as Apple makes an advertising push ahead of the device's launch, and as of this week, it's also scored a spot on the cover of Fitness Magazine.

On the cover, model Kate Bock wears an Apple Watch Sport with a white fluoroelastomer sport with an aluminum band. The Apple Watch feature in the magazine is all images, focuses heavily on images and doesn't offer anything much in the way of details as compared to other Apple Watch spots have done. Fitness had initially shared some details magazine spots, but Fitness shared some information about the shoot with MacRumors
that were used in this post, but has since asked us to remove the information.

Fitness VP/Brand Development for Shape.com and Fitnessmagazine.com Betty Wong gave MacRumors the following statement on the magazine's collaboration with Apple:"FITNESS, with
, giving us an interesting inside look at Apple's Apple Watch marketing efforts.

Apple first reached out to the magazine about HealthKit following the launch of the iPhone 6, which developed into a relationship that allowed Fitness to be the first women's magazine to photograph the Apple Watch back in early December.

The prototype Apple Watch that was provided to Fitness and photographed on the wrist of Kate Bock was accompanied by an Apple security detail to prevent it from disappearing. Apple representatives were also on hand to approve the photos that were taken.

Ahead of the shoot, Apple asked Fitness to share details on the concept of the cover, who would wear the watch, and what the model would be wearing. After the photo shoot, Apple's own creative team was involved in editing the photos to make sure the Apple Watch looked good. Fitness Editor-in-Chief Betty Wong described the process to MacRumors, and shared her plans for future Apple Watch features in the magazine.Apple was pretty engaged from the beginning and wanted to know details like who would be model be who would be wearing it, what sort of attire would she be wearing and what the concept of the cover would be. They liked FITNESS for
our tech-savvy, goal-oriented female audience, is a great partner and thought we'd be great partners in helping showcase the Apple Watch.

Apple reps were on-set at our cover shoot for the whole day to make sure the watch was photographed well. Then once we made our selects, their creative team helped with the retouching to make sure the face of the watch was lit up and live.
I hope to be able to get my hands on an Apple Watch Sport sample in the coming month and really put it to a sweat test for Fitnessmagazine.com to see how useful it is in helping our readers stay motivated to exercise, keep track of their physical activity, or connect with people and their to-do lists while out for a run.With the Apple Watch positioned as Apple's first wearable accessory, it's no surprise to learn the company has been carefully curating its image and exercising control over the way it's portrayed in magazines. Apple wants people to see the Apple Watch as fashionable, sporty, and genuinely useful to the average person rather than as something geeky and technical that doesn't belong in the fashion world. Thus far, Apple's Apple Watch marketing efforts have been split between posing the Apple Watch as a fashion statement and as a fitness accessory.

On the fitness side, the Apple Watch has been featured in this month's issue of Fitness and it was on the cover of the March issue of Self magazine, on the wrist of Candice Swanepoel. Self did a full feature on the Apple Watch, highlighting its accelerometer, heart rate sensor, and more. Model Christy Turlington has also been promoting the fitness-oriented features of the Apple Watch, both on stage at Apple's March 9 event and on a personal blog on Apple.com. Turlington is using the Apple Watch as she prepares for the London Marathon in April.

On the fashion side, the Apple Watch has been featured in Vogue, Style, East Touch, and YOHO. Late last year, it was on the cover of Vogue China and it was shown off at an exclusive event at Parisian fashion boutique Colette. It will also be featured in a number of high-end exclusive popup shops around the world after it's released.

As the launch of the Apple Watch creeps closer, it's likely the device will continue to appear within an increasing number of magazines and newspapers as Apple attempts to market the device to a wide range of potential customers. The Apple Watch will be available beginning on April 24, but it will be available for pre-order and in-store try ons starting on April 10.

Update 5:21 PM PT: This post has been updated and revised at the request of Fitness.

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Philadelphia, PA
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"hate better"

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I was reminded today that former Pirate Dock Ellis has always been one of my favorite athletes.

1. He pitched a no-hitter while he was tripping on LSD

2. He used to wear these curlers in his hair onto the field until the league banned him from doing so.

3. He once tried to hit every player on the Reds with a fastball to start a game. He hit three batters, and attempted to hit two more before getting thrown out.

4. He once chased a racist heckler into the stands with a baseball bat.

5. He was in general outspoken and intolerant of racism in baseball during an era when not many players would be.

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This guy seems awesome.

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“The brutal truth is that the bulk of white people in American never had any interest in educating black people, except as this could serve white purposes. It is not the black child’s language that is in question, it is not his language that is despised: It is his experience. A child cannot be taught by anyone who despises him, and a child cannot afford to be fooled. A child cannot be taught by anyone whose demand, essentially, is that the child repudiate his experience, and all that gives him sustenance, and enter a limbo in which he will no longer be black, and in which he knows that he can never become white. Black people have lost too many black children that way. And, after all, finally, in a country with standards so untrustworthy, a country that makes heroes of so many criminal mediocrities, a country unable to face why so many of the nonwhite are in prison, or on the needle, or standing, futureless, in the streets—it may very well be that both the child, and his elder, have concluded that they have nothing whatever to learn from the people of a country that has managed to learn so little.”


If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?

James Baldwin’s concluding graf is the literary equivalent of the mic drop.

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